ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum promotes discoverability of biomedical data

7 February 2018

The challenge of enabling optimal use and reuse of public research data, tools and training materials is a complex one and involves multiple stakeholders: consumers and users of data in academia and industry, operators of public databases and infrastructure service providers, scientific journals, funding agencies and others.

To facilitate the discussion about the impact and implications of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles in both academia and industry, a recent ELIXIR Innovation and SMEs Forum brought together industry representatives and bioinformatics service providers to present their perspectives and experiences on how to best facilitate discoverability in data-driven innovation.

Hosted by ELIXIR UK in Cambridge on 23-24 January, the event attracted over 50 participants working in large companies, SMEs and academia.

Notes to editors


ELIXIR-UK is part of the European ELIXIR infrastructure, which supports life science research and its translation to medicine, the environment, and society. By integrating national bioinformatics resources, ELIXIR-UK aims to provide a sustainable infrastructure for biological information, ensuring that data is effectively managed, analysed and shared across the scientific community.

For further details, reach out to us at [email protected]