Upskill the life sciences community

Our collaborative efforts towards improving life sciences training

ELIXIR UK plays a significant role in the training landscape – not just in the UK but also globally. We co-lead activities and support training development to address skill gaps in the life sciences community.

  • UK Training Club

    Meeting every month and welcoming all, the group searches for funding opportunities and promotes training quality and diversity and inclusion of training activities.
  • Fellowship

    We run a Fellowship programme of ambassadors across the UK embedding, delivering and creating ELIXIR-UK training and fostering a network of data stewards.
  • Training Platform

    A European coordination group aiming to strengthen training capacity and competence across Europe, and empowering researchers to utilise ELIXIR’s services. ELIXIR-UK co-leads activities in consolidating materials and the Train the Trainer programme.
  • A logo of the Galaxy Training Network

    Galaxy Training Network (GTN)

    A global community offering free, accessible online training resources for learners and instructors while advocating open data analysis practices. ELIXIR-UK members actively contribute by leading events and serving as editors and authors tutorials.
  • A logo of the carpentries

    The Carpentries

    Equips researchers worldwide with foundational coding and data science skills. In partnership with the Software Sustainability Institute, ELIXIR-UK members teach Carpentries courses, contribute to lesson development, and serve as certified instructors.
  • Learning Paths Focus Group

    The primary objective of this Focus Group is to foster the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences with the aim of identifying needs, devising solutions, and advocating the widespread adoption […]

TeSS:  Training eSupport System

The TeSS is ELIXIR’s training platform flagship portal/registry, providing a one-stop shop for trainers and trainees to discover online information and content, including training materials, events and interactive tutorials.

For training providers, TeSS provides opportunities to promote training events and news and to contribute to a growing catalogue of materials; for trainers, the portal offers an environment for sharing materials and event information; for trainees, it provides a convenient gateway to identify relevant training events and resources, and to perform specific, guided analysis tasks via customised training workflows.

The TeSS is the only ELIXIR-UK Node original service developed by the founding Node award and funded through the European Commission.

  • TeSS

    ELIXIR’s one-stop shop for trainers and trainees to discover materials and events.

The training services we support

We also act as a conduit for nationally important bioinformatics training infrastructures to promote their activities to the ELIXIR community as selected UK Node services.

  • Edinburgh Genomics Training

    Edinburgh Genomics Training aims to enable researchers to analyse their next-generation sequencing data themselves. It offers a range of hands-on bioinformatics workshops.
  • NERC Environmental Omics Facility

    NERC Environmental Omics Facility (NEOF) provides year-round bespoke training to researchers who undertake the laboratory and/or analytical components of their project under their supervision at the Visitor Facility (VF) located […]
  • Cambridge Bioinformatics Training Programme

    The Cambridge Bioinformatics Training Facility, runs highly successful, well-attended bioinformatics, biostatistics and data science training programmes, which are respected by others within and outside the University of Cambridge. It provides […]
  • Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre

    The offer at Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre The Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre provides training to the metabolomics community in both analytical and computational methods, via face-to-face and online workshops, and […]