Watch: ELIXIR-UK FAIR Data Stewardship Training Fellowship launch webinar

7 July 2021

On Thursday, 1 July 2021, ELIXIR-UK held a launch webinar for our new FAIR Data Stewardship Training Fellowship. Given by Robert Andrews, from Cardiff University and one of the leads on this project, this webinar explained the goals of this Fellowship and laid out what we expect from our new Fellows. With over 40 attendees, this was a successful event, and we look forward to receiving some interesting applications from those who attended.

You can watch the recording of the webinar below:

The audience questions asked at the end of the webinar form the basis of our frequently asked questions, but if you have a query that was not answered, please send us an email.

Notes to editors


ELIXIR-UK is part of the European ELIXIR infrastructure, which supports life science research and its translation to medicine, the environment, and society. By integrating national bioinformatics resources, ELIXIR-UK aims to provide a sustainable infrastructure for biological information, ensuring that data is effectively managed, analysed and shared across the scientific community.

For further details, reach out to us at [email protected]