

About the Service

CyVerse UK (previously known as iPlant) was born as a collaborative effort between CyVerse and a small number of UK universities and institutions to build on the CyVerse experience and provide the same services to UK users. UK users have a geographical advantage in using UK-based resources and can benefit from UK-based assistance. CyVerse provides scientists with a powerful platform to handle huge datasets and complex analyses, thus enabling data-driven discovery. Our extensible platforms provide data storage, bioinformatics tools, visualisation, interactive analyses, cloud services, APIs, etc.

CyVerse was created in 2008 by the National Science Foundation and now supports almost 100,000 researchers in 169 countries. CyVerse has appeared in more than 1,500 peer-reviewed publications, trained almost 40K researchers and instructors, and supports $255M in additional research funding by NSF. CyVerse is a dynamic virtual organisation led by the University of Arizona in partnership with the Texas Advanced Computing Center and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, fulfilling a broad mission to enable data-driven, collaborative research.

  • Earlham Institute