

EU project
€ 8,011,443.00
01 June 2022


31 May 2025

The FAIR-IMPACT project will identify and design practical solutions, guidelines and frameworks to realise an EOSC of FAIR data and services. The project gathers 28 partners from 11 countries. This project will support the implementation of FAIR-enabling practices, tools and services across scientific communities at a European, national, and institutional level. The FAIR-IMPACT project will work to connect knowledge across scientific communities on persistent identifiersmetadata and ontologiesmetricscertification and interoperability aspects via a community-led approach.

Target stakeholders

  • (Meta)data services providers, including Repository & PID Services (DSP)
  • National Level Initiatives (NLI)
  • Research Communities & Infrastructures (RI)
  • Research Performing Organisations (RPO)
  • Individuals in Science (IiS)
  • Research Funding Organisations (RFO)
  • Policymaking Organisations (PO)
  • Publishers (PUB)
  • Data Infrastructures beyond research (DI)
  • EOSC Ecosystem (EE)
  • FAIR Ecosystem (FE)
  • Citizen Science Organisations (CSO)
  • Scientific Societies & Academies (SS&A)

Planned outputs

  • A range of governance, coordination and collaboration mechanisms are necessary for a functioning FAIR research ecosystem.
  • FAIR implementation action plans and workshops to coordinate and support the adoption of FAIR-enabling components and mechanisms at multiple levels among a diverse group of stakeholders.
  • persistent identifier support programme and guidance for the provision of PID services in EOSC, including mechanisms and components to facilitate the adoption and implementation of the EOSC PID Policy and alignment with PID practices.
  • semantic framework for the governance, creation, mapping, sharing, reuse, FAIRness assessment and interoperability of semantic artefacts for EOSC. This includes interoperable and harmonized semantic artefact catalogues, crosswalks and mappings to improve data findability and accessibility within and across disciplines.
  • Guidelines and prototype(s) support both enabling FAIR and assessing the FAIRness and trustworthiness of different types of digital objects in multiple domains.
  • Components and services for increased legal, organizational, semantic and technical interoperability in EOSC within and across disciplines.
  • FAIR implementation stories provide evidence, guidance, exploitation paths and incentives for research communities and stakeholders.

Coordination and Collaboration mechanisms

  • Technical Bridging Team
  • FAIR Implementation Team
  • Synchronisation Force
  • EOSC FAIR Champions
  • National Roadshows

UK Node involvment

  • WP3: Persistent identifiers
  • WP4: Metadata and ontologies