

Selected in 2021
About the Service

WorkflowHub is a new registry for describing, sharing and publishing scientific computational workflows. It is an ELIXIR Tools Platform service and part of the ELIXIR Tools ecosystem.

The registry has been developed to respect the ecosystem of Workflow management tools, repositories and execution environments, using GA4GH APIs and co-developing a metadata framework for FAIR workflows based on ELIXIR metadata standards: CWLBioschemas and RO-Crate.

The WorkflowHub Club has become a centre of European and Australian activity around FAIR Computational Workflows.

ELIXIR-UK leads the development in partnership with ELIXIR-BE and significant contributions from ELIXIR-DE, ES, FR, BBMRI-IT, Bioexcel CoE and the Australian BioCommons.

WorkflowHub has been adopted by the ESFRIs’: IBISBA, EuroBioImaging, INSTRUCT, DISSCo; the Australian BioCommons, and the BioExcel EU CoE.

  • University of Manchester
  • Stian Soiland-Reyes
  • Carole Goble
  • Biodiversity networks for ELIXIR
  • EOSC-life
  • BioDT
  • 2024 Technology Commissioned Services Tools