Xènia Pérez Sitjà

UK Node role Communications & Community Manager
  • Earlham Institute


What I do in the UK Node

  • Fellowship
  • Impact Focus Group
  • RDM Community

The projects I'm working on

  • DATAREX – Data Management for Research in ELIXIR

The stories about me and my work

  • A picture of the UK Node team at the ELIXIR All Hands 2024

    UK Node's collaborative presence at 2024 ELIXIR All Hands

    2 July 2024
  • ELIXIR UK All-Hands 2023 unveils collaborative and promising plans

    20 November 2023
  • Fellows, Mentors and coordinators meet to celebrate the 3-year hallmark of the ELIXIR-UK Fellowship

    21 September 2023